Psalm 139:23 "Search me, God, and know my heart..."

About Me

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Hello there! My life is simple and full of joy; married my man in 2008, welcomed our son into the world in 2011. I love Jesus, I love my husband, I love being a mommy, life is ohsogood!

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Saturday, March 24, 2012


My sweet sexy hubby turned 25!! That is a quarter of a century, a good chunk of life to celebrate, and we sure did!! On his birthday Owen and I made him a yummy breakfast and gave him lots of birthday love!!! We had a yummy dinner and delicious dessert with his parents and some friends! We continued the celebrating the next night at Heroes in Fillerton. We had a blast goofin with our pals! Heroes has such a neat atmosphere and fun vibe, we picked songs on the juke box and just let loose and had some fun! We love hangin with our friends Scotty and Joy and Mike and Sarah! We are so blessed to have some pretty rad friends to share life with! Jeff was pretty spoiled too! He got new bike gear, gun gear and a new gun!

He made out like a bandit and deserved every bit of it! He works so hard for us, and is such an amazing man, husband, dad and friend! Owen and I are truly blessed to have him! I am so glad he was showered with so much love on his special day! I love you babe, here's to 25 more years!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fun With Friends

We have been loving spending time with the Grushen Clan! they are such an awesome family and we have enjoyed sharing life with them :) the other day it was warm enough to let the boys go crazy in the sprinklers! In MARCH!! Oh southern CA and your crazy weather! It was awesome to get Owen in his swim trunks and let him explore the wet grass! We cracked up at how powder white Owen is compared to those tan Grushen boys! It has been fun for Owen to be able to play with the big boys! He needs some kid interaction! :) after a long run of sprinkler fun we gobbled down some pizza and enjoyed a mid day fire! It was a fun, crazy, relaxing Sunday! We are so thankful for friends to hang with and do life with :)

Almost 10 Months

I just cannot believe my little dude is almost in the double digits!! Where did ten months go?? He is so big now and so independent! He loves to push any and everything around to practice his walking skills he is so close to taking steps on his own! He loves cars and will push them around all day! His favorite thing to do is see Cooper and steal his disgusting slimy squeaky duck toy, yuck! He loves food and is such a good eater! He is also now the proud owner of 4 teeth!! Those big ol chompers on the top have made their way down! He babbles away and loves to point to my nose! He signed more to me today at Trader Joes while I was giving him bites of PB&J that little smarty pants! He is very passive and is normally the baby in the group of babies that is getting his toys taken, crawled on, pushed over or bitten :/ I'm glad he is not aggressive but I also don't want him to get pushed around.. I'm sure his days of not sharing and being a bully are around the corner I think all kids go through a little bit of that stage at some point?! I just love this kid so much, our lives are constantly blessed by his sweet face! I am so lucky and blessed to be his mommy! I'm Savoring each little laugh, the moments he snuggles me, his squishy baby chub, and that adorable little smile because the baby days are going way too fast!

The Artist

My sister is an amazingly talented artist! We were blessed a couple weeks ago by getting to go to her first art show! It was at a local bakery and featured a couple other local artists, it was awesome to see my sister pull together the whole event and get to gawk over her amazing talent! Im always so impressed by what her creative mind comes up with! I absolutely love the peacock piece! It was a great success and an awesome turn out, there was even live music! We also got to spend some time with the Grushen clan, our favorite family :) they are aways so much fun and their boys are so stinkin cute! We can't wait to snuggle their little girl in a couple of months!