Psalm 139:23 "Search me, God, and know my heart..."

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Hello there! My life is simple and full of joy; married my man in 2008, welcomed our son into the world in 2011. I love Jesus, I love my husband, I love being a mommy, life is ohsogood!

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bad Pony

This is the toy my son is absolutely afraid of. It actually was the topper to the diaper cake my mom made for me at my baby shower. It is a small, brown, nothing special, neighing horse.
Jeff discovered his fear awhile back. They were playing in the living room and this horse was on the floor. Owen shrieked with fear and started to shake his hands and cling to Jeff. He did that two times. I had been gone that night so when I got home, Jeff told me about this, I didn't believe it. I thought maybe he was scared of something else, so I grabbed it and showed it to him and again he started to cry.
The next morning I had forgot to throw it away, and it was on the floor and I saw him going for it, so I grabbed it and showed it to him, and he was totally fine! We played with the horse and made horse sounds, and all was well with the pony, I thought it strange that it was just that one outburst.
This morning I was sitting on the couch and Owen was playing with all of his toys in his toy bin, the pony must have slipped to the bottom because we haven't seen him in awhile. As I was sitting I look over to see Owen shrieking and doing a cry I have never heard, like a truly scared cry, I jumped up and grabbed that bad little pony and tossed him behind the couch.

All of this to say, pony is no more.

The End. 

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